I used to be surprised, but now I see a 20 y/o White girl behind these kinds of complainers Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps March 30, 2021 I used to be surprised, but now I see a 20 y/o White girl behind these kinds of complainers wtf 194 Likes 19 Comments Katie Jo Moore Ryan Sammis Pro tip. Avoid making that mistake by only painting white people. Redd Stone Walt Cosby This happens because when god was painting black people he told em to stand with their hands on the wall Axad AR Artists and animators used to do that. When they did it was the 40s/50s where alot of 'kids cartoons' featured racist stereotypes in the way animators drew stuff. I think they stopped to distance themselves from that. Patricia Best This reminds me to return to monkee Charles Massey Well yes and no. That hand looks waay too unrealistic. The transition is typically not that abrupt KayDee Howard Seems black to me Debbie Litz Good thing I barely draw humans then lmao Alidu Sulemana Frinjei “See! It’s coming off.” Teddy Mizo “Why are black peoples palms white? Because work ennobles.” Yea I know, I’m going to hell. Booter Collins Ha... thought my whole life Eminem meant these... Bhes Raj Baral Not whitewash, but bio-correction. Janet E Mountcastle I made this long ago, here is unfinnished, but as you can see i thought about that couse i use my brain Steve Alcorn Or just let artists do what the fuck they want. Bright rainbow color people don't exist but you can draw it, demons and animal people don't exist but you can draw it, fucking Z cup women don't exist but you can draw it. Just let people draw what they want, it's their art ffs. Amy Czerw Whitewashing? Fucker if they were to whitewash you think they’d only use the palms? Kristy Stamper-Hannah Bearglitch is 100% a white person. Retarded as fuck though. Samantha Shizzam Rife What next? Draw 5 fingers for cartoon characters? Misty Boss Yeah but it's not lack of melanine it's due to the time when they painted some people black they asked them to stand with hands on the wall Shelly Mae yeah, most white people don't really know how black people look like... It's an interesting fact. I find it sad, but maybe there's more to it. Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Comments
I used to be surprised, but now I see a 20 y/o White girl behind these kinds of complainers wtf 194 Likes 19 Comments Katie Jo Moore
Ryan Sammis
Redd Stone
Walt Cosby
Axad AR
Patricia Best
Charles Massey
KayDee Howard
Debbie Litz
Alidu Sulemana Frinjei
Teddy Mizo
Booter Collins
Bhes Raj Baral
Janet E Mountcastle
Steve Alcorn
Amy Czerw
Kristy Stamper-Hannah
Samantha Shizzam Rife
Misty Boss
Shelly Mae