also ethics are not important in any kind of criminal activity Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps August 30, 2022 also ethics are not important in any kind of criminal activity ask 122 Likes 13 Comments Vicki Boo Amna Khan Niazi Meaning "so-and-so doesn't care about [people concerned]" as a refutation to the facts they present, I presume, and therefore upvote. When proper methodology and craven self-interest find themselves at odds... that's when morality matters in data gathering. Deigee Grandee Depends on what you mean by gathering data. Do you mean looking at statistics, previously published research ? Or are we talking about sexually assaulting 1000 random people in an attempt to see how much sexual assault goes unreported to authorities ? One of the options is highly unethical and I do believe it ethics are important in that case. Jean Chabarria Wtf are you on about? Not collecting personal data should be the step 1 of ethics.... Yhumie Arevalo Chavez Yhea enthusiasm can get the better of us sometimes. Tabieros Serrano Hanny Then lets rip your heart now, well check how long it will beat in seconds. You know, because of data Mumtaz Sher You can tell that to whever wrote your fields' ethical code. Maybe you can change their minds. Nancy Tamang Viewing, not important. Gathering, probably important. Booter Collins Depending on what youre collecting. Jacob Martinez It would be VERY important, if you try to gather data to ethnicity Shelley Cain Defeats the purpose Ñööri Mãlik If you don't follow the rules regarding ethics you will go to jail or get fired, depending on what exact violation you have committed. So they matter, because you can be punished for breaking them. Prabhu Kumar K, so you steal your neighbour's mail? Jose Luis Lopez That's like saying that anesthesia isn't important when you are torturing someone. Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Comments
Amna Khan Niazi
Deigee Grandee
Jean Chabarria
Yhumie Arevalo Chavez
Tabieros Serrano Hanny
Mumtaz Sher
Nancy Tamang
Booter Collins
Jacob Martinez
Shelley Cain
Ñööri Mãlik
Prabhu Kumar
Jose Luis Lopez